ISC Fire Alarm
The Exceptional Fire Alarm CompanyHere is We Can Do For You –
24/7 Emergency Service
When your fire system breaks down, who do you call?
Your current provider who may not return your call for a day or two, then may not schedule a service call for days, then will charge you an arm and a leg for the privilege of working with them?
Perhaps you would prefer to call ISC. We will answer the call quickly and then, if your system is imparired or making annoying noises, we will have a technican there within two to six hours.
ISC has been servicing fire alarm systems for 25 years and we service all types of problems on all types of systems, proprietary or not. On some highly proprietary systems we made need to call a specialist, but we have contacts with all manufacturers and will get the job done.
Most of our clients opt for reasonably priced service contracts that can range from full service, including all parts, repairs, testing and inspection, to simple preferred client agreements where we offer our preferred client pricing if you choose to call us first.
We provide exceptional service.
Please call and give us a try.